What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

For months we'd been trying in vain to figure out the source of a nasty stink in our house. We suspected it was related to a sewer line replacement we'd done earlier in the year, but the plumber had come out a couple of times and said there was no issue. Thought it might be a rodent in the walls or maybe something wrong with the HVAC. We had the HVAC ducting fogged (cleaned), but no luck and no sign of rodents.

Finally SERVPRO was able to solve the problem. It was related to some leakage from the sewer line that had dampenedd the soil under our house (the crawl space. The leakage had been fixed and the ground had since dried, but the stink was still there. One visit from SERVPRO and a detergent applied to the ground and the problem is solved!

Professional ,Reliable I called SERVPRO of Mountain View to come and clean my garage ,post construction cleaning , they came and did a good job and they also sanitized it for me , I was really happy me and wife about their job . Thank you for you fabulous Job team.